Inner Monologue of Bandit the Panda

Bandit, the rascally baby panda born to Mei Xiang and Tian Tian at the National Zoo in Washington, DC, gives interested readers the inside track on his world.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Post-Christmas Musings

Whew, it's brisk out there. I love it.

Christmas was pretty sweet. I got lots of presents, including a new game for my Xbox 360--though Paolo's been up for the past 48 hours playing it nonstop and doesn't want to deal with a split screen, so I've been having fun outside instead.

As for my dinner, Hobbitbuddy was all over that. I had roast crown of bamboo, roasted sweet potatoes with marshmallows, pear compote garnished with bamboo leaves, bamboo stuffing, leaf eater biscuits, bamboo salad with carrots, and bamboo crust pie filled with apples. Not that I remember all of it--my eyes glazed over about midway through the bamboo stuffing and from that point after I ate until I could hardly breathe.

Still, I'm told that was the menu.

I hope all the rest of my peeps had as good a Christmas weekend as I did.

Mom still doesn't like how much I climb on limbs and stuff, but she told me she'd stop pestering me if I posted a nice picture of her up on my blog. This is close enough. I know she'll forget about her promise in a few days but at least until then, I'm golden. Plus, she didn't say I couldn't put a caption on it.

Paolo has also forewarned me that Mom may go AWOL Saturday night, but when I asked him why, he just laughed and patted me on the head. Tool. Just wait until I find a way to use the dirt Hobbitbuddy dug up on him (see comments on my Dec. 23rd posting).

I haven't added to my photo gallery lately because of the annoying lack of new photographs of me in all the major media outlets. Ally sent me some dead sexy full size pics but now that more of you are getting tickets to see me, I'd love to see any you might have. Just send them to my email address at Ally's pics will go on my photo gallery page later today.

Everyone says I'm doing some kind of yin and yang thing in my washtub, but I'm really practicing for my go round at the Olympics. I hear they'll be in China in 2008, and so will I, though we try not to think about that. I'm thinking I could sweep the Panda Gymnastics division, of which washtub excavation is a key medal component.

Besides, I'm still enormous for my age. No one can stop me!


At 2:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok Bandit, will send you some pics after seeing you...

What's your plan for the New Year weekend?

At 2:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, check this out!

At 11:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

in response to thisisjro -

as defined by our "friends" at

expressive of affected, unwarranted, or exaggerated importance, worth, or stature; pretentious language

At 9:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

in the form of a question, "what is pretentious?"


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